Plants and Herbs : for pest control

Mosquitoes are a real pain in the… well, wherever they bite you. And if they’re showing up in droves, they can ruin a barbecue or make your gardening plans downright impossible. It’s tempting to throw everything you can at them, from store-bought bug sprays to having your lawn treated. But what about the actual plants you’re tending? Can those affect which creatures come buzzing? They can—in a way.

Best Plants and Herbs to Naturally Repel Mosquitoes

Citronella Geranium

Not all geraniums will repel mosquitoes, but this particular kind (formally known as Pelargonium citrosum), which produces and smells like a citronella oil, can ward off bugs.

Lemon Balm

The strong lemon scent of this plant contains high levels of the bug-repelling compound—but in a more appetizing way. (It’s an invasive species, however, so it’s best to grow it in containers.)


It may sound hard to believe since the scent is so heavenly to us humans, but mosquitoes can’t stand the smell of this herb. Keep bugs at bay by planting the lavandin variety, which has a high concentration of camphor. Bonus: It also keeps moths and flies away!


Not only do they look pretty, these colorful and heady flowers will repel mosquitoes. They also repel other insects, since they contain pyrethrum, an ingredient found in many insect repellents.


Placing a pot of basil on your picnic table is helpful for giving your food a flavorful update—but it will also keep the bugs away, since it’s one of the few plants that offer a strong-enough bug-repelling scent that you may not even have to crush the leaves

July is National Grill and Picnic month ! So enjoy your time Bug free….with plants .. Lisa

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